Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Life's Choices

Have not posted in a while due to new addition to family-my new baby daughter, the gift as I call her. She is very adorable and beautiful as clearly seen. This post has everything to do with the choices we make whether approved or not.

Life is a gift from God himself for he is the creator of the very essence of it. From the beginning he initiated his will for man to live in peace and harmony one with the other and to bring forth life, not destroy it. As the created being there is no way possible for us to create an original life from the dust of the earth nor can we re-create it after it is gone. Don't discuss cloning because even it begins from a living cell already created.

To live it is to give it-love. The picture you see here depicts God's will and love toward us as his creation; it is the very evidence of love at its highest. One plants, another waters, but it is he who gives the increase. Be a vessel to be used for what you witness here. As a husband and wife, don't destroy something so precious but come together and bring forth as it has been ordained.

I Can Make It

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